Some Tips For Adjusting to Your Dentures

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some tips for adjusting to your dentures

The majority of individuals with missing teeth opt for dentures in Los Angeles. At Nima Ebrahimi DDS, we offer dentures to our patients to help restore their speaking, chewing, and smiling abilities, as well as boost their self-confidence. When you first get dentures, it may take you a while to adjust to life with them. Here are some tips for adjusting your dentures.

Expect a Period of Adjustment

When you first get dentures near you, you should allow about a month to get used to the feel of them in your mouth. Our periodontist in Los Angeles suggests that you:

  • Rinse your mouth with salt water to ease any discomfort
  • Use aloe vera on your dentures to help soothe your gums
  • Massage your gums gently to help with swelling

Doing these things will make your adjustment period much easier and less stressful.

Ease into Chewing

It is normal to find it challenging to chew comfortably with your new dentures at first. Try to get used to using your dentures to eat by cutting food into tiny pieces and alternating chewing sides.

Try to choose soft and easy foods to chew, such as:

  • Yoghurt
  • Fish
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Pudding
  • Potatoes

As you feel more secure with your dentures, you can begin to add other forms of food to your diet. Remember that your sensitivity to hot and cold foods might be affected, so be careful when ingesting hot or cold drinks or foods. 

Dental Hygiene is Vital

Oral hygiene is always important, but especially so with dentures. Our periodontist near you suggests that you brush your gums, mouth, and tongue with toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush once in the morning and once in the evening for two minutes to remove any harmful bacteria. You also need to brush your dentures using a non-abrasive denture cleaner. Ensure that you rinse them completely with warm water after they have soaked before inserting them into your mouth. It would be best if you also rinse your dentures and mouth after each meal. 

Allow Your Gums to Rest

You should remove your dentures for at least six to eight hours a night. This gives your gums and soft tissues time to rest and heal from wearing dentures all day. This is also a good time to perform those gum massages we mentioned earlier.

Speaking Clearly Takes Practice

It is not uncommon for dentures to influence how you speak, especially when you first start wearing them. It is a good idea to speak aloud or read aloud on your own to get used to speaking around your new dentures. You can even attempt tongue twisters to keep your speech in excellent shape. Try this tongue twister: “she sells seashells at the seashore!”

If you notice your dentures slipping in your mouth when you speak, it helps to bite down and swallow.

Visit Nima Ebrahimi DDS

If you are still struggling with your dentures, feel free to visit our dedicated team of dental professionals at Nima Ebrahimi DDS. We are happy to provide you with a comprehensive examination and ensure that your dentures are fitting properly in your mouth. Please do not hesitate to contact us and book your appointment today.