Periodontal Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, CA

Periodontal Plastic Surgery Near You

The following cosmetic procedures are used to treat the gums, improving the aesthetic appearance and health of one’s smile.

periodontal plastic surgery in los angeles

Esthetic Crown Lengthening

If your smile looks “gummy” it is likely that you could significantly benefit from esthetic crown lengthening (a gum lift). This is a straightforward procedure that lasts one hour. Your dentist will begin by removing the excess gum and bone tissue and then reshaping your smile, which will expose your teeth more. Although this procedure can be performed on only a single tooth, in most cases, it will treat the entire smile. The results of esthetic crown lengthening include:

  • A wider smile
  • A healthier smile
  • Prevention of gum disease
  • Decreased depth of pockets between your teeth

Before conducting this procedure, your dentist will begin by administering a local anesthetic to minimize pain and discomfort. They will begin by making tiny incisions in your gum tissue which will separate the gums from your teeth. Occasionally, a small portion of bone must also be removed for a natural-looking smile. After the procedure is finalized, your dentist will use sterile water to clean the incision, place sutures and apply a protective bandage over the area to promote the reattachment between your teeth and freshly contoured gums. You will be required to schedule an appointment one to two weeks following the procedure for a follow up with your dentist.

Functional Crown Lengthening

Functional crown lengthening may be required to perform restorative or cosmetic procedures. For example, when your tooth has severe decay, has an inadequate structure for dental restorations such as a bridge or crown, or is broken beneath the gum line. If any of these apply, your dentist may need to lower both the bone and gum levels to expose the root surface further to restore it. With that said, only trimming the back gum line is not enough. Your dentist will be required to reshape your supporting bone and gums to allow for sufficient room to place a restoration.

Local anesthetics will be administered before beginning the procedure. He will begin by creating tiny incisions to remove the gum tissue and reshape the area. Once this is done, sutures will be placed and will be removed in one to two weeks. When the area fully heals–which will take several weeks, a final restoration like a crown or bridge can be placed.

Interested in periodontal plastic surgery near you? We offer periodontal plastic surgery in Los Angeles, CA 90025. Schedule a consultation to learn more!